Steamforged Games LTD.

Preventa - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Tile Set

$26.091 $28.990
Steamforged Games LTD.

Preventa - Dark Souls: The Board Game - Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Tile Set

$26.091 $28.990

IMPORTANTE: Este producto esta en pre-venta, disponible partir de Diciembre de 2024 según fabricante. Esta es una preventa de stock limitado.
Tanto el tiempo de llegada a Chile como el valor del juego podrían sufrir variaciones.
Cualquier consulta, puedes escribirnos a / +56989127453 / Instagram

Dark Souls: The Board Game - Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Tile Set

Eerie sounds echo through the Darkroot, unsettling to even the bravest of heroes. It is a dangerous place; hidden adversaries prowl the wooded glades, and even the very plants are hostile to the unwary. Your other destination is no less imposing. The cursed walls of the Iron Keep stand in monument to the folly of man, the treacherous approach only surpassed by the horrors lurking within. Are you really so bold or foolish to venture to such places?

Enhance your Dark Souls™: The Board Game experience with the Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Game Tile Set – the ultimate way to theme your games to one of these two iconic locations from the Dark Souls™ franchise.


  • 9 double-sided Darkroot Basin and Iron Keep Game Tiles
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